River Park – Sandy Beach – Britannia Slopes

Construction commenced in April 2016 for the City of Calgary and concluded October 2017. The various enhancements constructed throughout the over 30 Hectare park presented numerous logistical and project management obstacles. However, through diligent planning and a capable work force the residents were provided with an accommodating park, stunning natural beauty, and outstanding amenities; vastly improving an already established indispensable park.

Over 3,000 lineal meters of existing trails and desire lines had to be demolished and replaced with new granular trails. Over 300 native trees and 4,000 shrubs were planted in mulch beds. In addition, over 50,000 square meters were seeded. An abundance of amenities were provided such as a pedestrian bridge, timber stairways, benches, trash receptacles, and new fencing.

A complete riverbank restoration was conducted along 150 meters of shoreline; including native whips, geotextiles, rock armour, boulder walls, and beach rehabilitation. Furthermore, a new parking lot including planting and drainage systems, playground, fencing, and picnic sites were added to the valley to update the aging existing amenities.

A 150 meter timber stairway was constructed to assist the citizens in making their way down the river valley. In addition, over 1,000 meters of bark mulch and granular trails were to constructed; providing a winding pathway system through the native growth. Finally, parking lot and fencing enhancements were provided to propel the park into present day standards.